Tachibana General Labs

Some guides for character creation and early game strategy in Sil-Q, a roguelike game.

Take all of these guides with a grain of salt, I'm not very good at the game. The pdf for the game is a great resource.

Simple Beginner Build

Character Creation:

(or 6331, not sure what other stuff changes though if you do this)

Choose one of the following point allocations:

Initial Steps:

  1. Equip Curved Sword that is in the first room you spawn in.
  2. Open Character Sheet by pressing escape and then (b).
  3. From this screen, pressing (a)bilities or (i)ncrease skills will allow you to spend experience points.

Skill Progression:

  1. First skill to get: Charge
  2. With Charge, equip a very heavy weapon for increased damage
  3. Alternative to Charge: finesse into zone of control
  4. After unlocking Charging in the Melee Tree, save up for Dodging and Flanking in the Evasion Tree
  5. At any point you can also spend exp to get Evasion and Melee to 8 points each

This build should be sufficient for reaching at least 200 feet into the dungeon.

Further Progression:

Ring of Secrets Build


Initial Steps:

  1. Reach depth 50' to access the forge, making sure you have enough XP for Ring of Secrets and Jeweller
  2. At the forge, create:
    • Ring of Secrets (provides permanent identification)
    • Amulet of Regeneration
    • Ring of Armor [1d1]

Further Progression:

Blocking archer with smithing

Character creation: Noldor Feanor 3 Str/4 Dex/4 Con/3 Gra with 2 Melee, 3 Evasion and 6 Smithing. When you enter the dungeon, buy Weaponsmith, Jeweler and Enchantment right away.

50-100 ft: Look for a stack of arrows in the early game; ideally you'll find one with 50+ arrows before the 100 ft forge. I'll pick fights with mewlips if I need to: they have a higher-than-average chance to drop a stack.

100 ft forge: Make, in order: a ring of accuracy, an amulet of the vigilant eye and a longbow of radiance.

100-300 ft: Take Fletchery and fletch your arrows ASAP. Your radiant bow shots will stun orcs and trolls to make them easier to shoot again. When you get hungry, eat your lembas to restore your Grace. When your inventory starts filling up, buy 5 Perception and Alchemy (2000 exp). Save 1500 exp to get Armoursmith for the 300 ft forge, but you may need to squeeze in 4 Archery and Point Blank Archery if a troll gets on top of you.

300 ft forge: Make, in order: gloves of archery <+2>, round shield of protection [+0,1d5] and a helm of brilliance.

300-500 ft: Save another 1500 exp to raise Smithing from 6 to 8 for the 500 ft forge. Take Blocking to get the most use out of your new shield. Squeeze in some Evasion if you need to; you want roughly 1 Evasion for every 50 ft of depth.

500 ft forge: Make: Ring of the Laiquendi, Mail Corslet of the Iron Hills and either Boots of Brethil or Cloak of the Scarlet Heart [+2]. Taking Iron Hills lets you stand toe-to-toe with trolls in corridors without having to back up. If you find spare mithril, a Feanorian lamp is the most obvious use for it. If you go further with smithing, a Mattock of Belegost is good for letting you tunnel through solid rock.